Refurbish of an X-102 – Agent X Germany

Happy new year fellow X-102 sailors.

I received this scanned document with documentation of a refurbishment of an X-102 in Germany called Agent-X. There are some fine details about the project, and some of the changes the made during the project are things we all can learn from.

Let me know if you have content to share, and have things you think we need on the website. The Facebook group have seen quite growth last year, and it is being used by members from Denmark, Germany, Sweden, England, Holland and Spain. However not all people are on Facebook for different reasons, and some content are easier to be found on website.

Send me an email if you have good content to share, picture you wish to share of the club.


Henrik Bo Christoffersen
Author: Henrik Bo Christoffersen

Jeg startede min sejler karriere i 2007 i en special rigget banner-30 med torpedokøl og andet ror, som primært blev brugt til kapsejlads. Jeg købte min X-102 i 2016, da jeg godt kunne tænke mig en lidt større båd, der kunne benyttes til ferie turer.